Say hello to Snoopy, one of the cutest Sheepadoodle babies you will ever meet! He is a true sweetheart with a heart of gold. He is so loving and will instantly become your bestie! He loves snuggling and being held! He also enjoys stuffed animals and playing with his many toys. He has been loved and doted on since birth and we’ve kept him current on vaccines and deworming. He’s also had his first vet visit and is microchipped. He comes with our one year genetic health guarantee. Visit our Policy Page for more information on this.
His mama is a super sweet and intelligent Poodle named Flicka. She weighs 44 lbs. Flicka loves going on walks and is so loving! She loves having her ears scratched or her belly rubbed. Dad is a very friendly Old English Sheepdog named Jasper! He weighs a handsome 80 lbs. Snoopy will grow to a very nice size- around 60 to 65 lbs. He is an F1 Sheepadoodle. We require a $200 non-refundable deposit to reserve this little sweetheart. Our little guy was born to be an adventurous and fun addition to an active and loving family! If you feel this is you…please reach out to us! We are happy to answer any questions and tell you more about him. -Gina: 330-260-1368